Friday, February 23, 2007

Hi ho, hi ho...

Been an interesting week this week. I shall do bullet points later about this but first i'd like to talk about Frederic. He makes me laugh, he's almost stereotypically German except for the fact that he's polite and doesn't wear lederhosen. He does have a sense of humor though, but it's hard to describe. His latest one is that someone bought him a book called "The Fred Factor". Frederic almost spent the entire evening giggling to himself about it. It's got chapters called "Become a Fred", and his favourite, "Freducation". It's an almost innocent humor he has, It makes me giggle too.

Andrea's currently getting ready for a girly night out (curry), they're arriving in about 10 mins and she's has only just got out of the bath! I think they'll be waiting ;)

Back to this week. I won't mention the the company name other than it was a blue chip company from the UK. Google can be your enemy as well as your friend, as Tim knows with his constant battle to keep his "arsey" alias away from his real name ;) I might get a bit geeky here, so ignore the terminology in the tags.

  • Monday
    Arrive at work, a little nervous of course with everything being new and my brain being slow from being away from computing for a while. Meet all the people, seem like a good bunch. I was given two programs to look after, one Delphi and one VB. The VB one was simple enough, just mapping stuff to other stuff. The Delphi one however was code from hell (Commonly referred to as Lee code). The entire program was only around 10000 lines long but when you compiled it it came back with half a million because of all of the third party components that they bought. Not a data structure in sight! *sigh* Anyway, after settling down a bit and getting used to the code, i start to hear things in the office. One support staff member quit on the Friday before, and the job i'm in has a very high staff turnover rate...people just keep quitting. The other thing of note was that there is nobody here that knows what i'm doing, which just slows everything down...

    "Where do i get the source from?"
    "What's server to i need to connect to?"
    ...Along with other rude comments back from the staff i'm asking too.

  • Tuesday
    Carry on with looking at the code and start to hunt a bug in the VB program :) Then i get an instant message through from the boss...

    "can you drop what your doing Simon and fix this other bug for me?"
    "sure, is the problem in the Delphi or the VB program?"
    "NO IT'S F**KING NOT!!...It's in a different program!"

    ...That was really what he said on the text. OK, the office seemed to have some sweary mouths on occasion, but on the IM, and in a way that just made me sound like i was stupid!!
    As far as the other staff members were concerned, they were a bit more helpful.

  • Wednesday
    Check my email and see that there's a "motivating" email from the boss (referring to some issue that i wasn't aware of) for all the staff saying that "...Everyone is a f**king customer, i expect 110% from all of you". This along with other more minor issues was the last straw for me. It was tantamount to bullying from the boss.

  • Thursday
There were other things i could mention, but you get the gist. Oh well, the job hunt begins again and Andrea continues to have a house"husband" :) Right, I've got a Visa extension form to fill in or watch James Bond, what do you reckon? ;)


Anonymous said...

Jesus... I hope you stole post-it notes and pens... What an arse!!

Anonymous said...

Wondered where you'ed both got to..last we heard you were heading for the beach..Thought you may have been eaten by a shark but obviously you where working for one..Well done son..Take no shit..Sprouts are coming up nicly.

Anonymous said...

Good on you! Maybe you should try for a job as a caterer at the place just so you could spit in his lunch ;-)