Sunday, February 25, 2007

24/02/2007 Raving Ravin

Last weekend we went to the beach for a BBQ with people from the hillsong church. (Found some very interesting uncomfortable facts about them this weekend). This weekend we went to a dance(rave) party on a cruise along the harbour during the day. I definatly preferred this weekends choice. It was very strange going to a party at 10.30 in the morning and even stragner leaving it at 4.30 in the afternoon instead of in the evening. What it did mean that we were asleep for 9.30 after going to the afterparty for a while, which wasnt really an after party but a preliminary party before people went out for the night out. Me and Simon being the goldieoldies we are admitted defeat and went to sleep instead.

In regard to Simon leaving his job, what he didnt mention was how the next day when he left he rang the guy up and told him why he was leaving. He told him that his manner was very bullyish and he wasnt willing to have anybody talk or chat to him in this way, and he said that his racist comments to people were unacceptable and the job that was described in the interview was not the job he was being given. ie you will be a teamleader of a small project actually meant you will be the only person on a project that is in a complete mess. GO SIMON GO SIMON, i was so proud of him for telling the guy. The guy next day rang back and said ehrm that 3 days you worked, well we wont be payin you for it. Simon jsut put the phone down on him and this just proved what a cowboy the company was. He might have pinched a good well known name for the company name from england but they certainly dont act like them. Oh and the other thing to note is that Simon has to pay £800 to be sponsored to stay in Australia so he cant afford to be in a company that treat the employees like poo.

QE2 and Queen Mary in Sydney

As mum and Gran have been on these ships, and i meet them in New York when they were on the QE2 i feel i have a close connection with them. Alas i did see the Queen Mary from afar whilst sat on the train as it had arrived in the morning. But in the evening the QE2 was due in at 7. (Note i blame Simon a lot for what i have to say :-) ) so we decided to go down and watch it arrive. Simon then earwigged somebody who said its running late and due in at 7.30, we went for something to eat instead. It didnt arrive at 7.30 but 7 so when we had finished our meal we then went up on to the bridge to see that the QE2 was just about to dock so we had missed the grand arrival bit. damn.

Next we walked down to Botanical Gardens to see the fireworks that were due to happen. Now since being in Sydney the pyrotechnics capital of the world (apparently) there has been 3 big occassions for fireworks. 1 - New Years Eve, - we were there but had a rubbish view, 2 - Australia Day - we stood on the flat balcony and saw nothing but a large rocket fly past. 3 - Qe2 and QM arriving.

So we walked down to the gardens after being nearly crushed by everyone trying to do the same thing. Sydney council didnt realise people would be so enthused about seeing the ships and therefore were not organised. The botanical gardens shut at 8 and were trying to get everyone to leave but as you can get such a fantastic view (we were unsure though were the fireworks were going to go off) nobody would leave including us. That was until we got bored and decided to leave, so we left the gardens and walked down the stairs to Circular Key and then the fireworks went off, except you couldnt see a damn thing from where we were stood. I was not happy in fact i think i had a little paddy.

So 3 occassions for seeing fireworks - all been rubbish. Maybe next time.

Today is Sunday weigh day, i lost 2 kilos last week, but not been good this week. So we shall see. Wanted to go to the beach today but its really cloudy so we might go down to the OperaHouse and have a look around there.

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