Friday, June 22, 2007

The most geekiest thing we have done so far on this trip

We went to the Sydney Opera House to see a classical orchestra. It wasnt just normal classical music though, nope it was the music from computer games. Have a look at this link for more info:

It was in the biggest concert hall and was packed full of geeky gamers and me. It was amusing to see some people with their girlfriends, as im sure some of the girls had been dragged there. I will be honest though ive never seen a classical orchestra before and ive never had a desire to, so this was a perfect way of me seeing it. We were both really looking forward to it, and it wasnt a let down. We had front row seats which was very good for watching the action, it did mean though we were practically sat on the bass's knee and the view of the screens was a bit distorted by the music stand (what they put the music sheets on) for the bassist. It didn't matter though because it was all about the music. The most amusing one was super mario (to be honest it was one of the only ones i had heard off). Heres an example of what it was like. If you watch this, you will see that about a minute in, they put mario on the screen and everyone started cheering. Simon cheered for Zelda and Gaycraft. The other thing i noticed was that like myself, i suspect a lot of people have never been to a concert before and therefore we do not know the correct etticate and this means that we werent entirely sure when to clap or when the interval arrived we all just sat there waiting for something to happen. I also ran out at one point for the loo and then wasnt let back in until a suitable time.

Now as we were having a posh sydney opera house evening we thought we would have a posh meal beforehand. So we ended up going into a bar and because it was full they directed us up to a beautiful bar upstairs with great views of the bridge. The bartender informed us that because they were between menus but the chef would be happy to sort us out for something. So we stupidly agreed, after a while the chef came out to talk to us and suggest some nibbles for $30. So we thinking oohh like tapas bits and bobs sounds good(£15) . So this is a meal that a chef makes for us especially which involved: some sorbet in a shot glass, cold soup in a shot glass (which i think is posh), a little cold toast thing with some ham on, and some minging bean thing on a spoon and for the great finale was (homemade apparently) a tiny amount of vanilla icecream. Needless to say we walked straight out of there and straight to a takeaway for our tea.

Last weekend we bought some champagne (sparkling wine) called Passion pop (i liked the name and it was $5). It tasted like Peach sparkling water and was worse quality then Lambrini, but i liked it and so did Diana.

This evening whilst waiting for Simon i ordered some wine at a bar and the guy started talking about the quality of wine and made a comment on how when he was a teenager and first started drinking Passion Pop was their choice of wine cos it was cheap and nasty. I didnt tell him that i had been drinking it only the previous weekend.

Just found this: - thought it was quite amusing (its only 5 secs long)


Gigner said...

for the record yeah, that last link is the best thing since sliced bread. :)

Gigner said...

wait a minute! What does Andrea mean "geeky gamers and her"?!?! she's such a geeky gamer in denial :)