Monday, May 21, 2007

Andrea never gets drunk.

Andrea pub quiz prize !
Originally uploaded by simbloid.
As there is a pub quiz looming tomorrow night which will be the first one for some time. Back when Andrea won $20 on the spectacular scratch card, we also discovered that it would be a cheque that would be sent to us from the company that does the cards. Andrea had to fill in a form giving her all her details. Well, the cheque arrived and it was quite funny. Andrea was drunk enough to not spell her name right :) She even admitted it which was a complete first for me as "I never get drunk" is one of her favourite sayings.

I also find it quite amusing that the Fame Trivia Company's slogan is "We keep them coming back". Probably due to errors on the cheques ;)

As far as the flat is concerned, Luke will be leaving us in a couple of weeks. He seems an alright guy, but i certainly wont miss his eating habits and just about swearing at anything. Daniel already has a new person lined up to share the room with Gustavo, fingers crossed there. Daniel currently is in a situation, he currently has 6 assignments to do for college, two business based ones and four theological ones. They are already overdue, so Daniel decided to advertise for someone to do them for him on the Internet and at the church !). He's paying good money for them ($3000). Anyhoo, the guy that's doing them has just turned up and will be staying here for a couple of weeks, he's a Brazilian called Keri who might just be "the only gay in the flat". He seem like a good chap anyway and even asked Andrea if she is Brazilian !...(Andrea's currently doing a gay hand gesture at the moment).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Are you sure he was'nt asking if she had a Brazilian?...Carefull there now..
A small green cabage.