Wednesday, November 15, 2006

The Big Sur with Madam Pop

Today was a day of big things. A big drive, a big breakfast(and best so far), and of course the big sur. First of all it was waking up in Santa Cruz and grabbing some breakfast at a local diner a few miles down the road. Very local as it was more like a greasy spoon that you would find in the UK. I had eggs benidict which was the best thing i've eaten here so far :) After that it was popping to Safeway next door to grab some supplies for the journey...water, friut, doughnuts, Jaelapeno Crisps.

Driving down the coast, we stopped off at Monterey and went to the aquarium. Pretty impressive aquarium and the crowning glory for me was the sea otters that they have there. Very cute. One had a little bit of seaweed that he kept patting. We stopped there for a bit of window shopping and generally enjoying Monterey, then moved on to do the big drive south to San Simeon through the Big Sur. The Big Sur was truely breathtaking, and required pulling over all the time for photo ops. :) We stopped off at the Nepenthe Resturant for a bite to eat. This resturant had amazing views of the coastline here. Moving on we then ended up in San Simeonto hole up for the night. The biggest point of interest here was the receptionist that had so much makup on she actually had 2 sets of false eyelashes attached!

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