Sunday, August 26, 2007

Still in Langkawi

Well still here, leaving on the 28th to go to Vietnam.
Its been hot hot hot, with some cloud and rain in the middle of it, but still beautiful.
We are still in Malibest but have moved 3 times because other people had booked in. The final room/chalet we are in for 3 nights is the best one as its the one right on the beach, we can sit and gaze at the sunset. However, we have been incredibly unlucky in that the morning we moved and we was in the other room a digger was outside the room picking up stuff, thus waking us up. Late on in the day he was then on the beach right next to us whilst sunbathing shifting sand and then as we were in the room relaxing he only moved up the beach to outside our chalet to shift more sand. Extremely unlucky. But its still beautiful.

The other day we went on an 3 island hopping tour. We went to 3 islands (obviously) by speed boat.
The first island was...
This was a gorgeous beach that we stayed for an hour, then only prob was the monkeys would come out and have a nosy at your bags. We had to race out of the water to stop them running of with the plastic bag, luckily a guy on the beach shoo'ed them away.
The second island was...
We didnt get of the boat at this island but fed the Seaeagles. This was cool. There was 3 type of eagles swooping down in the water to pick up the chicken food we had left for them.
The third island was....
This is where the lake which is a miracle because its so near to the sea but is freshwater and apparently is good if you have fertility problems you are supposed to jump in to the lake. I didn't bother. We could have gone on a solar powered peddalo, thats definatly a sign of the times. Whilst walking back to the boat from this island we ended up being surrounded by little monkeys again. Im starting to go off them now as im beginning to realise that they are very clever and having seen them try to pinch food of people and try and get into our bags im weary of them. This time though i flapped my fan around to distract them away and all it meant instead was that they came up and tried to snatch it away from me being inquisitive. so now i can say that my fan has had monkey claws on it. Better to be my fan then me.
In the evening we have taken to going to the Irish bar acrross the road from the hotel. They serve cheap tiger beer and cheap wine. They do do a mean sausage chips and gravy though with vinegar - ahhh bliss.
The other bar we have been to is called Little Laylia Chillout bar and this is owned by a Malaysian and his English wife and they spend 6 months here and 6 months in england now that is good. The bar was named after one of his little girls, he said hes going to have to open another bar somewhere with his other girls name on it.

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