Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Jungle Birthday

Had a great very relaxing day on my birthday, woke up extra early as we are going seeing the Orangutans and opened my cards. Opened my pressies. Simons finally learnt i like a bit of cheap tack and then we were out and walking down the road to the Orangutan Rehabilition Centre to watch them come out for their morning feed watched by a lot of people. So so so cute and funny. You can see how they have their own personalities and who in the group is boss. There was about 8 Orangutans who came up for food.

After that we went back to our beautiful chalet and relaxed, attempting to sit out on the balcony as it was so hot. When we were sat on the balcony, we suddenly saw that the branches of the trees in the jungles were shaking, we got excited cos we thought perhaps it was an Orangutan coming to see us at the Chalet. Needless to say it wasnt but what did happen was that loads of Macaque monkeys came out to eat the fruit on one of the trees behind the chalet next door. It was awesome to see. We also saw a massive bird, some type of birds of prey.

In the afternoon we wandered back over to the Orangutan Sanctuary again, on the way we bumped in to the Macaque Monkeys in the car park, as they obviously were clever enough to know this was a good source of food. We also decided to sponsor/adopt an Orangutan called Sen. Such a little cute thing. Its now me and Simons first big commitment and the question is whether we are responsible enough to pay our £25 a year from now on :-)

Early evening, glass of wine sat in the bath - bliss

Evening spent eating a cool buffet(nice though) with a nice bottle of wine and then watching Poseiden adventure. Quiet birthday but im always going to remember the fact ive spent my 31st in the Jungle.

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