Friday, October 05, 2007

Holy Storms

It pretty much rains in Asia everyday, it's a bit like Florida in that it just chucks it down for 30 mins or so then disappears until the day after. The storms here in Thailand are like that, except that they tend to pounce on you. You can be sat on the beach reading your book or listening to your ipod and you spot a storm off in the distance. Then for the next hour the storm is still no nearer to you and the sun is shining. All of a sudden it will be chucking it down because the storm seemed to teleport to your beach. I only mention it because it happened again today, this time I forgot to grab my book in the rush to take's soaking. Whenever it does happens though it always makes me laugh as it reminds me of this Monty Python sketch...

...oh btw, Andrea is the one camping it up !

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